Fixed Income
Build a diversified portfolio that adheres to Islamic finance principles.
Invest ethically, with confidence
SIB Najah offers a diverse range of Shariah-compliant fixed-income products designed to provide investors with stable returns while adhering to Islamic finance principles.
These products include Sukuk (Islamic bonds), Mudarabah-based investment certificates, and Shariah-compliant government and corporate bonds.

Key Fund Features
Rigorous compliance with Islamic principles, ensuring no interest-based transactions.
A diversified portfolio of fixed-income instruments to suit various risk appetites.
Professional portfolio management to optimize returns while maintaining compliance.

Solution Benefits:
- Ethical Investing: SIB Najah allows investors to participate in fixed-income markets while adhering to Islamic ethical principles.
- Diversification: Clients can diversify their portfolios across various fixed-income instruments and markets, reducing risk and enhancing potential returns.
- Expert Guidance: Our team of experts provides personalized guidance and recommendations to help clients make informed investment decisions.
- Risk Mitigation: Comprehensive risk management tools and strategies are employed to protect clients’ investments from market volatility.
- Global Reach: Access to global fixed-income markets enables clients to explore a wide range of investment opportunities.
- Transparency: Clients benefit from transparent reporting and regular updates on their investments.
Build a diversified portfolio that adheres to Islamic finance principles.
We understand the unique needs of Islamic investors and have designed SIB Najah to cater to those seeking ethical and compliant investment opportunities in fixed-income markets.
Grow your wealth with SIB Najah
The Fixed Income Team.
Each member of our team is a specialist in their field. Together, we make sure you’re investing where the best returns are, while building loyalty across every touchpoint.